Thursday, April 2, 2009

Gili Trawangan!

So I've been on the most amazing island for 5 days and it couldn't be better. The food is super cheap and so good and the word is the most amazing blue I have ever seen! Basically been doing nothing for the time I've been here. Biked around the island, went snorkeling yesterday and met up with friend I haven't seen in a while!

One of the coolest things is they have these mini huts on the beach where you can watch any movie you want as long as you buy $3 worth of food or drinks! And they also have a bigger screen where they play newer movies where you can relax. All about relaxing over here!

Sinus infection is gone which is good. If I get sick again I'm coming home!

We have two more nights here then back to Bali for two nights then we fly to Jakarta for one night then to Singapore! A few nights in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur then we're in Thailand! Never thought I'd do this much traveling in my life.

That's about it to update for now.

Here's some links to where we've been just to give you an idea of how amazing it is!

Miss you all!

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