Friday, March 13, 2009

First and Second Week of Road Trip

Wow. I cannot believe it has already been almost a month since I last wrote! So much has happened.

I managed to ship about 75% of my stuff home. Definitely overpacked!! It was a pretty good price for getting it in 3-4 months to home!

So here is a rundown of what I have done in the last 10 days.


Day 1: Drove to the well known spot of Hunter Valley where all the wineries are and had a wine tasting. Had a few drinks!

Day 2: Continued on to Arawara where we stayed in a cool little cabin right on the beach! Meeting so many Canadians along the way!

Day 3: Drove up to Byron Bay and did a day trip to a town called Nimbin. This town is known for it's drugs for "medicinal purposes" .. of course... and we had a nice bbq and visit to a waterfall before heading to the town of Nimbin. Kinda a sketchy place if you ask me! It's funny how many people you meet along the way that you have already met!

Day 4: This was a fun day! Did some kayaking with dolphins! It was amazing. They swam up to 10 feet away from our kayaks. Did some snorkeling too. Still was in Byron Bay. Stayed at a cool hostel called the Arts Factory which was interesting. Had nice hammocks to lay in and a cool setup.

Day 5: Learned to surf for the first time! I got up after a few tries but was too nervous to go into the bigger waves where all the guy were learning. Definitely will do it again! It's hard getting out there back into the waves once you've surfed to shore.

Day 6: Left for Surfer's Paradise. Wish we could've stayed longer in Byron but we are on a tight schedule! Only had a couple hours in Surfer's. Mat and I went mini golfing which was pretty fun and went to the beach. Beach was sooo nice at night time. Got some nice pictures.

Day 7: Brisbane! Kinda wierd to go from surfer towns to a big city. They have this cool man made beach in the middle of the city that we went to. Weather is getting crappier. Probably due to cyclone hamish! What are the odds. This is supposed to be the nicest part of our trip!

Day 8: The day I have been looking foward to... Wet N Wild!!! We had so much fun. A bit pricey but definitely worth it. They had some crazy rides and I screamed the whole time haha it was pretty hilarious. Did the one where you cross your ankles and shoot straight down... pretty terrifying but definitely and adrenaline rush! We were so tired after we didn't go out.. just passed out in our room.

Day 9: Went to the Steve Irwin zoo. Not usually a huge fan of zoos but this place was incredible! Definitely different than the zoos back home lol We saw elephants, tigers, koalas (got to pet one!), kangaroos (got to feed them!) and so much more. It rained most of the day but we made it through! After we stayed at a friends of Mat's. Went out to the only club in an hour's radius and had my first female cab driver haha

Day 10: Getting a little nervous since we're supposed to be going to Fraser Island ( the biggest sand island in the world!) in a few days and the cyclone is still going on. Headed to Noosa to stay with family friends. Nicest people! Cooked us a nice home made dinner. So nice to not do your own "cooking" and not eating fast food. Definitely relaxing. They made sure we ate our vegetables!

Day 11: Supposed to leave for Rainbow Beach but due to the cyclone we have to stay another night in Noosa. We didn't mind! Had another amazing dinner and went and saw a movie. Trying to book our first few nights in Bali since we get there a day before their New Year when everything shuts down for 24 hours! Good timing again!

Day 12: Finally able to go to Rainbow Beach now. Which is where I am now! Unfortunately the Fraser Island just reopened yesterday after the cyclone and when we go for 2 nights tomorrow we can only 4x4 on half of the island! But they said we'll still have a great time. Weather is still crappy which really sucks. Gotta make the best of it though! Learned that alot on this trip! No point in complaning when you can't do anything about it.

After Fraser Island is our Whitsunday trip which I PRAY is sunny because we're sailing for 2 days on the Great Barrier Reef! The part of the trip I've been looking forward to the most.

Booked my flight home for May 31st from Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam but not sure if I will stay that long. As much as I love travelling I do miss home alot and I know I won't be able to travel like this for a while so just trying to weigh my options and see how it goes. Once the weather gets better who knows what will happen!

Long entry but people wanted updates so there you go!



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