Thursday, February 19, 2009

Coming up to 3 months


Can't believe it's almost been a month since I last wrote!

Only one more week left working as a temp at the Ministry of Transport. It's interesting to see the kind of letters people write in and how people write in for the smallest things like a bus that's 5 minutes late! I work across the street from a park called Hyde Park and it's really nice because everyone on their lunch break goes outside and relaxes in the sun! That's one thing I've noticed here is that people work hard to play hard. They actually take the time to go outside and get fresh air on their breaks and only do 35 hour work weeks!

Finally booked our trip up the Coast! Leaving next Monday and booked our car we've rented for 3 weeks. Comes with camping equipment and a stove and all that stuff! Can't wait! Even though I've only worked for 6 weeks it will be nice to have a break and relax. We also booked a trip to the Whitsunday Islands for the end of our Coast trip. Check out the spot: That's the part I'm looking forward the most for the Coast part of the trip.

We also booked our flight from Jakarta (Indonesia) to Singapore and got a great deal for only $26! Can't wait for the cheap part of my trip!

It's amazing I've already been here for 3 months. I'm excited and nervous for this next part of my trip. I've never been on a road trip and done real backpacker traveling... and I'm going to do it for 3 months... or until my money runs out lol I know alot of people who are over in SE Asia right now so hopefully I'll get the chance to meet up with some of them.
I've learned so much so far on this trip. I didn't know what it was going to be like to live on my own for the first time. I've learned/done several things so far on this trip and may start a list for entertainment!

1. I love to cook! I like trying new things (shockingly!) and trying different recipies
2. I never thought in my life I would ever share a bed with a roommate... and I'm doing it!
3. I like things clean.. yes mom it's true! First thing I did when I moved into my new place was buy cleaning supplies cus I couldn't stand the sand everywhere and the kitchen floor!
4. Not everyone roommate does things you want them to! Toilet paper not replaced on the goes missing...dvds go missing...
5. I'm learning to be more patient than I have ever had to be!
6. I went to a movie for the first time by myself! Quite enjoyed it
7. I'm more independent then I've ever been. I don't mind doing things on my own.
8. You can only go so long eating junk food and not exercising before it starts to show!

Well that's it for now. Gotta pack in a lot of things before I go. Going to do this beach walk this weekend that I've been meaining to do and going to see Fall Out Boy on Saturday!
Missing everyone back home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy!! That place on the coast is sooo sweet!! Jealous.

haha i love the things you learned! You only live once.. so live it up! haha, with a roomate in your bed and things going missing!

I cant believe your goign to singapore too!! Thats so cool. Haha your cheaper trip will probably be just as interesting!!

Sounds like your having a great time still. Our next cousin dinner will be exciting! To hear all of your stories!!! And maybe now you can even cook?? haha. whenever that will be haha.

Thanks for the update!! Now go clean, and go to the gym! haha. at least your probably ridiculously tanned!!
