Monday, January 26, 2009

Working Hard!

Well I have had quite the last 10 days since I last wrote. Finally finished the 5 day street promotion job I had then jumped right into working for the Ministry of Transport. It has been quite an interesting job! Usually I'm not a writing type of person but I'm forced to be with this job! People write to the Minister of Transport about questions and concerns with the transport system and I have to write back to them on behalf of the Minister of Transport or the Parliamentary Secretary! It's kinda cool! Here they have only 35 hour work weeks and since I'm working for the Government I don't have to take a 1hr lunch break so I can work 830 - 4 and be outta there!

I also joined a gym here! There's only so much holiday eating you can do before things start to change lol It's an amazing gym. You can take unlimited yoga, dance, cardio classes and they have choreographers from So You Think You Can Dance Australia which is great! All of their running/cycling equipment have tv screens on them which doesn't make it so boring to exercise! lol

Still can't believe I only have 5 more weeks here in Sydney and then I travel up the Coast for 3 weeks and then head over to Bali!

Yesterday was Australia Day and everyone got dressed up in Australia gear and went over to a friend's place for a FEW drinks of course. It was kinda cool because on the big radio station here they do a countdown of the top 100 or so songs of the year on Australia Day. Kind of what we do back home on New Year's!

Hope everyone is doing well back home and I will update you again soon! I keep hearing I need to go see Slumdog Millionaire so probably going to do that this week!

Ciao for now.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Big Update!

Hello hello! Didn't realise until now that I haven't done an entry in 2 weeks and a lot has happened!

First off I have finally moved into a place in Bondi. It's at a perfect location a 1 minute walk to the beach and has Internet, washing machine/dryer and pretty spacious, why says alot about the places I have looked at! Can't believe I'm only in Sydney for just over 6 more weeks.

Second of all I finally have a job! This week I have been doing promotions work in Darling Harbour. What's involved is six of us walk around handing out newspapers promoting iiNet, an Internet/Phone company in Australia! It is so tiring as we are working in 25-35 degree weather and work split shifts so don't get home until late! But it's good pay! This week I was worried I wouldn't find a job for next week but I receieved a call from a Temp agency and I have an office job for 4-6 weeks starting on Monday! I'm told I'll be doing grammar work, drafting letters and checking for errors, so not very exciting but it pays very well! So pretty excited to start that.

My friends and I have started planning our trip up the coast and over to Southeast Asia. We booked our flight to Bali from Brisbane for March 25th so we will be traveling up the coast from around March 2nd until the 25th! Pretty excited for that part of the trip. It will definitely be an eye opening experience.

I am really enjoying myself and feel like it's just going to get better from here! I of course miss everyone from home and can't wait to see everyone again! Hopefully the snow has melted for you guys already.

I'll let you know how the new job goes!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years in Sydney!

To say New Years in Sydney is different from Vancouver is an understatement! I was lucky enough to watch the fireworks from a roof top apartment overlooking all of Sydney. It was pretty crazy! Their were fireworks going off at different parts of town at the same time and the fireworks going off of the Harbour Bridge were incredible! It was a New Years I will never forget.

So I finally got a job and it definitely wasn't what I was hoping to do. It actually was a one off event at Field Day, this huge music festival in Sydney. Some friends and I sold Calipo ice creams from carts! The good thing is we got $20 an hour and make commission on whatever we sold! I'm almost positive I sold almost 900! After working for 7 hours we were so tired and almost left until we realised we were at a sold out event for free! We danced for a couple hours with thousands of other people and had a great time! They definitely so music festivals better over here!

Well next week the offices are open in the city and I am going to find a job no matter what it takes! Also gotta find a place in Bondi! Just want to get it over with!